Color Bfbfbf at Color

Color Bfbfbf. In a rgb color space, which is consist of 74.9% red, 74.9% green and 74.9% blue, and that corresponding rgb values are 191, 191, 191. #rrggbb, where the rr (red), gg (green) and bb (blue) hexadecimal integers specify the components of the color.

kitchen day Color Palette
kitchen day Color Palette from

Save palletes to see what works together. Explore the color #bfbfbf in hex, rgba, hsl. #bfbfbf color hex could be obtained by blending #ffffff with #7f7f7f.

kitchen day Color Palette

Generate css and html codes. The rgb equivalent of is #bfbfbf hex color code (191, 191, 191). Whereas in a cmyk color space, it is composed of 0% cyan, 0% magenta, 0% yellow and 25.1% black. A hexadecimal color is specified with: