Color Spectrum at Color

Color Spectrum. The following is a complete html color chart was created to help. This makes 256*256*256=16777216 possible colors.

Wavelengths and Colors of the Visible Spectrum
Wavelengths and Colors of the Visible Spectrum from

At the beginning of the establishment, the primary businesses of color spectrum sdn. The order of wavelengths can be remembered by the mnemonic roy g biv for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (the blue/violet border), and violet. The modern spectrum typically omits indigo.

Wavelengths and Colors of the Visible Spectrum

Drag & drop or browse. They are ordered from longest wavelength to shortest. They can be remembered with the acronym roygbiv. Each hue is today thought to correspond to a portion of the range of wavelengths of radiant energy that can be distinguished by the human eye.