Deep Color X.v.color at Color

Deep Color X.v.color. X.v.color has been around since 2005, and started showing up in consumer goods around then. Pine needle color hex #454d32 rgb 69, 77, 50

Color analysis Deep
Color analysis Deep from

The current difference in spelling between the american and british variants is credited to (or occasionally blamed on) noah webster, the american lexicographer. All it does is expands each color channel from 8bit up to 16bit. The word color has its roots (unsurprisingly) in the latin word color.

Color analysis Deep

Going forward sony will promote x.v.color among the industry as a unified brand name borne by future compliant products. Deep color / x.v.color / xvycc. X.v.color(tm) /deep color x.v.color (tm) can express all the color range within moving images, far exceeding the dvd's rgb system, while deep color* increases the color depth from millions to billions for a natural image with superb detail. Usually this is 10 bits each of red, green, and blue (10 bpc).